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4 Ways Your Home Could Be Making You Sick

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4 Ways Your Home Could Be Making You Sick

4 Ways Your Home Could Be Making You Sick

Most people think of sicknesses bugs and illnesses as things you catch outdoors and from other people. But what if that wasn’t completely true? What if you and your family were actually getting sick from things in your own home?

Here are 5 ways your home could be making you sick…

1. Leaks and Mold

Mold thrives in damp environments and is a popular trigger for allergic reactions and asthma, so the key is to keep your home dry and clean. Mold can usually be found in bathrooms and kitchens but can also be found in attics, basements and bedrooms – anywhere there is a change in temperature resulting in condensation or a damp. Mold can also arise from hidden leaks so make sure you check your pipe work as much as possible.

2. Dust Mites

Dust mites are microscopic bugs that thrive on the humidity and warmth provided by our bodies. They are also largely responsible for triggering asthma attacks and allergic reactions. Dust mites can thrive anywhere there is fabric and is particularly popular in mattresses, pillows, bedding, sofas, cushions and curtains – practically anything that’s comfy!

On average a person sweats approximately ½ pint of sweat every night and on top of that there is dirt, dust and body oils – that makes one very dirty mattress!

It’s practically impossible to eliminate dust mites completely without removing all fabric and upholstery from your home, but there are ways you can control them to reduce their harmful effects. Hoover all fabric areas and carpets weekly, wash and dry all bedding weekly, and clean your mattress thoroughly.

3. Dish Cloth Germs

Many people use the same dish cloth and tea towel for days and even weeks before washing them. Wet cloths and sponges produce bacteria 20 times faster than when dry making them a perfect breeding ground for germs to thrive on. Using dirty cloths and sponges to clean dishes and wipe down surfaces causes these germs to jump from object to object and thrive – potentially making you sick.

Even if your cloths look clean, chances are they are not. To reduce the germs that thrive in your home start by disposing your sponges after 1 or 2 days (depending on how much you use them per day) and wash your dish cloths and tea towels in the washing machine after 2 days of use.

4. The Hoover

We recommend hovering your home twice a week, but at least once a week thoroughly if you’re stuck for time. But did you know that whilst your hoover is sucking up dirt and dust, it could actually be blowing it straight back into the air in your home causing allergic reactions and spreading sickness germs?

The cleanest and safest type of hoover to have is one with a HEPA filter which filters 99% of the air particles as you hoover – but most people are unaware of this feature and may hovers do not have it.

If you can’t afford a new HEPA hoover, we recommend you empty your hoover outdoors after every use.

Did you know, a recent study found that people who hire cleaners are happier than people who don’t? Check out this post to find out more.

Are you a busy parent or professional and struggle to find time to clean your home yourself? Our award winning professional cleaners offer a daily, weekly and fortnightly cleaning service so you can relax!