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1st Impression:The Importance Of A Clean Business

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1st Impression:The Importance Of A Clean Business

Importance of a clean business

First impressions are everything. Whether you’re meeting a new person for the first time, inviting someone into your home or welcoming people into your business – if the first impressions are wrong, things can do downhill pretty rapidly from there.

A recent survey found that ‘Cleanliness’ was top of the list when it comes to customer satisfaction. That’s higher than value for money, quality and even customer service!

Perception is everything. Even if you offer the best products or services around, if your customers feel like your business is un-hygienic and dirty, they simply won’t want to give you their custom.

Here are the areas to focus on cleaning in order for your business to give the best first impression possible…

1. Outside / Entrance

What are the first things that people see when they enter your business? Are the windows clean? Is the area outside well kept and litter free? Is the signage shiny and clean? Does the front door look welcoming?

Even if the inside of your business is perfectly clean, if your shop front, office reception or restaurant entrance isn’t up to scratch, customers simply won’t want to enter and you could lose potential sales.

2. The Main Area

This is the area that your guests are in most of the time when in  your business.

People tend to look at the floor when they’re entering somewhere new to prevent them from falling or slipping in unfamiliar territory. Making sure the floor is clean, litter free and dry is important not only for giving an impression of cleanliness but also for health and safety.

Making sure all the surfaces are clean should be high up on your list of cleaning duties. Anywhere your customers may touch like door handles, counter tops, card machines, tables and chairs all need regular attention. If a customer puts their hands on a surface and it’s sticky or wet, that won’t leave a very good impression.

If you serve refreshments to guests when they arrive or in meetings, making sure the glassware is spotlessly clean it vital. This is especially important if your business is a coffee shop or restaurant.

FACT: More than 6 in 10 users agreed that if a fast-food restaurant is really clean, they go there more often.

What is the general tidiness of the main area like? Is there lots of clutter and unnecessary belongings? Are the rubbish bins over flowing? How does your business smell when customers enter?

3. Restrooms

Toilet cleanliness is the final and equally as an important area to address. A recent study found that 94% of people would avoid a business if their restrooms were dirty!

If your customers enter the restrooms and find any of the following, there’s a high chance they may be put off coming back to your business again in the future:

– Toilet paper on the floor

– Clogged toilets

– Empty paper machines

– Empty soap dispensers

– Broken hand dryers

Regular daily cleaning by professionals as well as hourly bathroom checks is the key to keeping on top of restroom cleanliness.

Are you too busy managing the day-to-day tasks of your business to give it the attention to detail it needs when it comes to cleaning? Are you prepared to lose customers by failing to meet cleaning standards?

We can help you create a great impression on your customers with our professional award-winning cleaning service!

Get in touch today for a FREE no obligation quote.