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What To Include On An Office Cleaning Checklist

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What To Include On An Office Cleaning Checklist

What To Include On An Office Cleaning Checklist

Everyone knows how important cleaning the office is but it can sometimes be overlooked to finish that all important piece of work. When you are able to clean the office, it’s important to have a checklist that you stick to. That way, you can guarantee that your office will be as germ free as possible. We’ve put together a few simple tips on what you should include on your office cleaning checklist.

Even if you have a commercial cleaner, they may not be up to scratch, so these are the areas you need to make sure they pay particular attention to.

Our cleaners maintain a checklist of activities in a communications book that they will leave at your premises so you can see exactly what cleaning has been done and when. These books are also useful for our clients and cleaners to highlight any problems or issues or for you to leave any special requests or instructions.

Make your desk a priority!

  • Your computer – As we’ve mentioned in previous blog posts, your computer, mouse and keyboard often harbour more germs than the average toilet seat – not the nicest fact to know! Therefore, to avoid these festering germs, clean your computer, keyboard and mouse with antibacterial wipes or sprays as often as possible, particularly if you’re one of those office workers who eats lunch at their desk!
  • Your drawer – Whilst it’s not as frequently used as your desk and laptop, your drawers can still harbour germs and dust. Go through drawers regularly, getting rid of clutter and sort through paperwork.

If you keep fruit or biscuits in your drawer, make sure you don’t keep them in there for too long as they can become breeding grounds for germs and often leave an unpleasant smell in the office.

  • Telephones – Whilst your commercial cleaner may clean your telephone handset regularly, you may want to use antibacterial wipes just to remove any extra germs which have gathered throughout the day. This is particularly important if you share handsets as this is a prime way of picking up unwanted illnesses.

The types of things you may wish to include on a commercial cleaners checklist are:

  • Reception area – This is key to making a good impression to clients so make sure the whole area is presentable. Hoover every day and wipe down the main desk and seating area. Clean doors to remove any handprints and cobwebs.
  • Toilet and Bathroom areas – Cleaning the bathroom is extremely important to maintaining the health and wellbeing of staff. Cleaners should clean basins, toilets and bathroom floors every day thoroughly. They should ensure bins are emptied and that there is enough toilet room, soap and paper towels. Polish all mirrors and wipe down any surfaces and door handles with sanitiser. It may also be worth putting an air fragrance spray in the bathroom to get rid of any unpleasant odours.

Office Cleaning Checklist

Kitchen – Most commercial cleaners will be aware of how important keeping the kitchen sanitised is but make sure they pay particular attention to disinfecting all work surfaces, floors and sinks. Also ensure they clean the fridge and microwave as again these are areas which are prime for picking up unwanted germs.

  • General office cleaning – Empty all bins regularly and sanitise them, hoover all floors, and wipe down and sanitise any tables, particularly if they are communal. Clean all windows, removing any fingerprints, including windowsills. Wipe and sanitise all door handles to avoid the spread of unwanted illnesses. Sanitise high traffic items such as photocopiers, printers and telephones.

By following these simple tips your can guarantee you will have a germ-free and healthy working environment for all.

Office Cleaning Checklist

Mrs Bucket is a domestic and commercial cleaning company set up by award-winning entrepreneur Rachael Flanagan in 2005. It has offices in Swansea, Cardiff and Newport.

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